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Front End Frameworks
Lesson 1: Features of Single Page Apps
How To Be Successful
Explore a Front End Application
Server-based and AJAX Powered Sites
Single Page Apps
Core Framework Components
Code and File Organization
Templates, URLs, and Events
Storage - the absent component?
Features of Specialized Frameworks
Interview with Dhruv
Lesson 2: Examine a Framework's Source
A Framework's Base Features
What is a template?
Backbone Project Setup
Underscore Templates
Constructor Function
Walk-thru the `template` function
Filling the template with data
Interview with Scott
Template `variables` and JS's `with`
Setting up Backbone Events
Walk-thru Backbone's `Events.on`
Walk-thru Backbone's `Events.trigger`
A Router & The Backbone.history Object
hashchange & pushState
Stepping thru Backbone.history.start()
Lesson 3: Angular
Welcome to Angular
Angular what?
Quiz Repos & Feedback Chrome Extension
A Simple App
Installing Yeoman
A Structured App
An Angular Module
Bootstrap the App
Templates and Expressions
Interview with Scott
Angular Controllers
Scope/$scope in Controllers
Take a Breather
The long awaited Directives
Dependency Injection Skit
Order Manager Feature
A couple of ways to inject in Angular
Routing via UI-Router
Managing Application State
Nested Views
Lessen 4: Ember
Welcome to Ember
Required ES6 Knowledge
Installing Ember-CLI
Using Ember-CLI To Generate A New App
An Ember App's File Structure
Routes, Routers, and Templates - Oh My!
Generating a Route & Template
Quiz Repos & Feedback Chrome Extension
Nested Routes
Interview with Allen
Loading Dynamic Data
Updating the Item Template
Components Ember-style Custom HTML
Order Tracking Feature
Consuming a Service
Responding To User Actions
Filling the template with data
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